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Consider your Major

Do I have to declare my major before I apply?

No.  Students will need to declare their major before participating on the program but not before applying.  Scripps students declare their major in April of sophomore year, well after the fall program deadlines.  Students propose courses in their planned major when completing the application for fall programs so a change in major may require a new set of classes to be approved for the chosen major department.

"I am pre-med, can I study abroad?" or "I am a science/music/double/dual/fill-in-the-blank major, will I be able to participate in a study away program?"

Prognosis: Excellent!  Some majors do require more intentional planning so the earlier you start discussing this with faculty advisers, the pre-health adviser and study abroad staff, the more options will be possible.  A good time to discuss and update your faculty adviser on your plans is during pre-registration advising each semester. For science and pre-med majors, a special presentation to go over the various strategies for fitting in a semester away is offered at Keck Science in the fall and first-year students are especially encouraged to attend.  There are university-based programs with science classes as an option, or some of the community-based programs have a thematic focus in areas such as public health, sustainability, or wildlife and resource management that work well for those interested in pursuing science.  Some students choose to concentrate on their major courses in the sciences here on campus and then take some of their general education requirements or graduation electives while away.