Last Minute Doubts
It is not uncommon for students to have last minute doubts and perhaps even extreme anxiety about whether studying abroad is the right thing at this time. To be honest, we worry more when students aren’t at least a bit nervous about their plans. There may be concern about missing family and friends while so far away, worries about credit transferring or nervousness about travel in general. This is quite normal and we would encourage your student to give us a call before changing plans at the last minute. Every semester, a few students consider withdrawing just before departure, but they eventually do go and are very glad they did. Don’t let a normal case of “cold feet” prevent your student from having this valuable educational experience.
If a student does experience circumstances that make withdrawal necessary, there may be financial penalties imposed by the program and non-recoverable costs which will be the student’s responsibility to repay to the College. Rest assured we will work with students to assist them through the withdrawal process. If withdrawal occurs prior to the start of classes at Scripps we can help to facilitate their return to Scripps for the semester although housing placement is subject to availability. If a student withdraws after the start of classes at Scripps, the only option at that time may be a leave of absence for the semester. Families may want to consider tuition refund insurance for unexpected emergencies that could prevent completion of a study away semester.
If a student does experience circumstances that make withdrawal necessary, there may be financial penalties imposed by the program and non-recoverable costs which will be the student’s responsibility to repay to the College. Rest assured we will work with students to assist them through the withdrawal process. If withdrawal occurs prior to the start of classes at Scripps we can help to facilitate their return to Scripps for the semester although housing placement is subject to availability. If a student withdraws after the start of classes at Scripps, the only option at that time may be a leave of absence for the semester. Families may want to consider tuition refund insurance for unexpected emergencies that could prevent completion of a study away semester.